Revised Policy on Business Registration: Key Updates and Benefits

People complete procedures for establishing a business at the Hà Nội Department of Planning and Investment’s Business Registration Office.

Streamlining Procedures with the New Decree

The updated Decree No. 01/2021/NĐ-CP seeks to enhance business registration processes by protecting company rights, simplifying procedures, and promoting business autonomy.

HÀ NỘI – The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has completed a new draft decree on business registration reforms, aiming to align with recent legislation. MPI Deputy Minister Trần Duy Đông highlighted the need to update the 2021 decree to harmonize with various new laws. For example, the registration rules for credit institutions differ under the Law on Credit Institutions, and business household registration follows the Law on Cooperatives.

The revised Decree No. 01/2021/NĐ-CP focuses on:

  • Simplifying Procedures: Streamlining processes to create a more business-friendly environment.
  • Respecting Business Autonomy: Enhancing the independence of enterprises while protecting their rights and interests.
  • Ensuring State Oversight: Maintaining necessary state management in business registration.

The proposal has been positively received by the Business Registration Office of the Hà Nội Department of Planning and Investment, which supports the shift from paper-based operations to online processes.

The Ministry of Justice has recommended that the drafting committee improve the decree’s user-friendliness by incorporating post-inspection regulations, public feedback, and international best practices.

Original Article: Việt Nam News

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