HR & Payroll

Severance Pay in Vietnam - NetViet
Severance Pay in Vietnam

Severance pay is a monetary support that employers provide to employees after their termination or the conclusion of the labor contract. According to Article 46 of the Labor Code 2019, employers must pay severance to employees who have worked regularly for at least 12 months in the following situations: The labor contract expires. The employee…

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Job-loss Allowance in Vietnam - NetViet
Job-loss Allowance in Vietnam

Employers must provide job-loss allowances to employees who are terminated under specific circumstances. The following situations qualify for this allowance: Changes in Structure or Technology Employers must pay job-loss allowances when: They change their organizational structure or reorganize labor. They modify processes, technology, machinery, or equipment related to their production or business. They alter their…

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Labor Code Restrictions on Employer Termination - NetViet
Labor Code Restrictions on Employer Termination

Navigating the legal landscape of labor contracts is crucial for both employers and employees. The 2019 Labor Code in Vietnam outlines specific cases where employers cannot unilaterally terminate contracts, aiming to protect employees’ rights. This article explores the concept of unlawful termination and details the obligations employers face when they unlawfully terminate contracts. Understanding these…

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Regulations on Holidays, Tet, and Annual Leave for Employees - NetViet
Regulations on Holidays, Tet, and Annual Leave for Employees

Understanding working holiday and workday holiday regulations is essential for employers and employees in Vietnam. The 2019 Labor Code defines paid leave entitlements for holidays, Tet, and annual leave. This guide covers key provisions to help you manage leave effectively and ensure compliance with the law. Holidays and Tet (Public Holidays) Article 112 of the…

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Understanding Employment Contract Termination - NetViet
Understanding Employment Contract Termination

In the context of employment contracts, terminating an employment contract is a significant event that requires strict legal regulation. This is because it often has major socio-economic consequences. To protect both labor relations and employee rights, the law clearly defines various termination cases and guarantees employee rights through state regulation. Cases of Employment Contract Termination…

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10 Times Employees Are Paid for Non-Work Time - NetViet
10 Times Employees Are Paid for Non-Work Time

Article 58 of Decree No. 145/2020/ND-CP outlines when employees are not working but the time still counts as paid working hours: 1. Rest Breaks for Continuous Shift Work Breaks in the middle of working time specified in Clause 2, Article 64 of this Decree. Clause 2, Article 64 of Decree 145/2020/ND-CP states that employees who…

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Suspension Pay in Vietnam - NetViet
Suspension Pay in Vietnam

Overview Suspension pay refers to wages paid to employees when they are not working due to reasons beyond their control, as prescribed by law or as agreed upon. According to Article 99 of the 2019 Labor Code, there are three circumstances under which employees are entitled to suspension pay: ​If due to the fault of…

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Overtime Regulations & Pay Calculation
Overtime Regulations & Pay Calculation

Overtime pay in Vietnam is important. To ensure fair compensation for extra hours worked, the government has specific rules. This guide explains how overtime pay works, including conditions and night shift pay. Understanding these rules helps everyone, employers and employees, keep things fair. Definition of Overtime Article 107 of the Labor Code 2019 stipulates: “Overtime…

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Allowance Policy and Other Additional Payments in Wages

Introduction Wages include the basic wage according to the job or title, wage allowances, and other additional payments. The wage allowance system significantly complements the job- or title-based wage system. The State’s regulations within this system ensure that all irregular and unstable factors in working and living conditions are adequately addressed, not fully considered in…

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Wages in Employment Relationships
Wages in Employment Relationships

Definition Wages are the money an employer pays an employee for completing their job duties. The law or the employment contract defines these duties. Clause 1, Article 90 of the 2019 Labor Code stipulates: “​Wages are a monetary amount paid by an employer to a worker under an agreement to perform work, including remuneration that…

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